SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.16 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1221.161-ltsbld-43_UBRv2.19-08_x64_240923
Compiled on September 24, 2023 • Released on September 26, 2023
- Improvements :
- Reducted Application size
- Added Support for Lunar Magic 3.40

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.15 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1221.101-ltsbld-41_UBRv2.19-07_x64_160423
Compiled on April 16, 2023 • Released on April 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes :
- Fixed 3 graphical bug that occurs on Windows Vista in several application windows.
- Fixed Windows Snipping Tool cropping bug on Reset settings confirmation box on Windows Vista/7.
- Backported a fix from 2.26 where I fixed a typo in the legacy "About" window.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.14 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1220.93-ltsbld-40_UBRv2.19-06_x64_121222
Compiled on December 12, 2022 • Released on December 13, 2022
- Modifications :
- Optimized some part of code.
- Removed dependencies with "RtaGlassEffects" and "BetterSplitButton" DLLs.
- These DLLs will be overwritten with empty files in sort to make them unusable to avoid conflicts with executable.
- Removed controls related to suggestion lists, these liste are no longer maintained, as the service was deprecated since SMWMTL
- Removed hidden controls related to features that was in development at the time.
- Removed COMPLETE_VERSION and APP_VERSION settings, those settings are a legacy of an old SMWMTL_Update v2 conception.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.13 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1220.82-ltsbld-37_UBRv2.19-05_x64_071122
Compiled on November 07, 2022 • Released on November 08, 2022
- Modifications :
- Added support for Lunar Magic v3.33.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.12 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1220.71-ltsbld-36_UBRv2.19-04_x64_250922
Compiled and Released on September 25, 2022
- Bug Fixes :
- Fixed a bug with Lunar Magic v3.31, v3.32 and Default images that displays only on Slot 1 button.
- Modifications :
- Repalced Lunar Magic v3.40 assets with v3.32 ones. Tried to preshot this new release, and failed for a second time.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.11 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1220.61-ltsbld-34_UBRv2.19-03_x64_030922
Compiled on September 03, 2022 • Released on September 04, 2022
- Additions :
- Added support for future Lunar Magic release (Guessing it will be called v3.40).

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.10 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1220.50-ltsbld-32_UBRv2.19-02_x64_020722
Compiled on July 02, 2022 • Released on July 03, 2022
- Bug Fixes :
- Fixed a bug in About window for compilation date displaying a wrong date (5 August 2022 instead of 8 May 2022) on systems
that are not using the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.
- Modifications :
- Tweaked Compile date to display in American format (July 02, 2022) on non-french systems.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.9 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1220.42-ltsbld-31_UBRv2.19-01_x64_080522
Compiled on May 08, 2022 • Released on May 10, 2022
- Improvements :
- General :
- Backported Application-level exception handler from release 2.20.
- Cleaned Resources incorporated in the program.
- Added a condition in Windows XP-based OSes to display titles in "Trebuchet MS" font instead of "Segoe UI".
- "About SMWMTL" window :
- Backported 2.20 about box into this release.
- Modifications from old version :
- New design, more optimized for Windows 11's Win32 buttons.
- Improved readability.
- However, some features were not backported, as listed below :
- Dark mode support, lack of dependencies for XP-based systems.
- Update indicator module.
- Ability to copy build string by clicking on it.
- Displaying SMWMTL_Update engine version.
- "Settings" window :
- Updated SMWMTL_Update engine to version 2.11 :
- Backported update dynamic installation from release 2.20.
- Modified "Download update" button to automatically re-enable itself if update download fails.
- "OS Version" window :
- Added compatibility for all future Windows 10/11 versions.
- "More Informations" window :
- Optimized Changelog file loading code.
- Bug fixes :
- "Report bug/Crash" window :
- Fixed a sizing bug that affect Windows XP-based OSes.
- Out-of-Box Experience :
- Fixed some buttons not displaying system visual style correctly.
- Fixed some translations issues in French.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.8 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1211.81-ltsbld-21_x64_210422
Compiled on April 21, 2022 • Released on April 21, 2022
- Bug fixes :
- "Settings" window :
- Fixed a bug in SMWMTL_Update which prevented the download of the changelog on OSes whose display language is neither
English nor French.
- Modifications :
- Updated SMWMTL_Update to version 2.11.
- Added support for TLS 1.2 after Dropbox dropped support for the TLS 1.0 protocol used by .NET Framework 4.0.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.7 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1211.72-ltsbld-20_x64_080322
Compiled on March 08, 2022 • Released on March 08, 2022
- Bug fixes :
- Fixed a bug that still shows your OS Version on title even if "Hide window title" option is enabled.
- Fixed a critical bug with Lunar Magic 1 Click to Launch that does not enable option if slot path is valid on loading.
- Modifications :
- Changed case for "SnesGFX" text.
- Other :
- Fixed typo in French in Main window's Settings button tooltip when CTRL+Click is enabled.
- Fixed typo in French in default placeholder text in "Suggest Tool/Update" window.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.6 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1211.56-ltsbld-17_x64_100122
Compiled on January 10, 2022 • Released on January 11, 2022
- Improvements :
- Backporting application optimisations from current development versions :
- Reduced application size (From 22 MB to 11.6 MB).
- Updated SMWMTL_Update to version 2.10 :
- It'll no longer displays you an error if the current build number is higher than the one known by the server, it'll
display that no updates are available instead.
- This change also affect update search at startup.
- Modifications :
- Disabled DPI Scaling support due to several UI Problems when DPI is higher than 100%.
- Changed "BRR Player" strings, because this program was never called "Organ".
- Modified About screen Application name graphic to reflect the actual logo design from development versions.
- Bug fixes :
- Fixed a problem with update search at program startup :
- Search process download data for server status for Stable release even if your version is a LTS one.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.5 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1210.41-ltsbld-11_x64_091121
Compiled on November 09, 2021 • Released on November 10, 2021
- Fixed bugs :
- First Configuration window :
- Fixed a bug with transparent buttons on OOBE with Windows Classic Theme on Windows XP/Vista/7.
- Fixed a display bug with category name Texts during Personalized configuration with Windows Classic Theme.
- Main window :
- Fixed a display bug with the Update banner that displays it in White instead of Windows Classic selected color.
- "Report Bug / Crash" window :
- Fixed tab background color to accomodate with Windows Classic design on Windows XP/Vista/7.
- "Suggest Tool / Update" window :
- Fixed a development error, a point is added after the version in the generated suggestion text.
- Modifications :
- General :
- Added support for Lunar Magic 3.31 in LM 1CTL.
- Separators in bottom bar option is now disabled by default.
- "Report Bug / Crash" window :
- Added a button leading to the GitHub Repo.
- Windows XP/32-bit end of support notification window :
- Changing Windows XP age from 19 to 20 years old.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.4 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1210.33-ltsbld-06_x64_180921
Compiled on September 18, 2021 • Released on September 19, 2021
- Bug fixes :
- "OS Version" window :
- Windows 11 : detection no longer shows "Windows 10" in the "Operating System name" item.
- The reason this is happening is a registry value that contains the version of Windows has not been updated to "Windows 11"
and still displays "Windows 10".
- Modifications :
- "OS Version" window :
- Virtual Memory values are now hidden in 64-bit release due to incorrect values. 32-bit release is not affected by this bug.
- Added a preliminary detection of the future version 22H1 of Windows 10 & 11.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.3 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1210.26-ltsbld-05_x64_100821
Compiled on August 10, 2021 • Released on August 10, 2021
- Bug Fixes :
- Settings window :
- Fixed text duplication with 64-bit environments detection when Settings opens for Snes9x.
- Fixed a bug on SMWMTL_Update which did not delete the download test file when the test fails.
- First Configuration window :
- Fixed the import settings dialog that was not translated in French.
- Fixed text overlapped by icon in the "Show Buttons Separators" checkbox in French.
- Modifications :
- First Configuration window :
- Changed the text of the system requirements to align with those of the GitHub repository.
- Additions :
- "Windows Version" window :
- Added preliminary Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 detection.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.2 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1210.11-ltsbld-03_x64_130621
Compiled on June 13, 2021 • Released on June 13, 2021
- Bug fixes :
- Lunar Magic "1 Click to Launch" :
- Fixed last Lunar Magic version in version selector.
I wanted to preshot the May 1st new "minor" version of Lunar Magic as FusoYa said, but there's no "Version 3.22"...
I tried and I failed.
- "Settings" window :
- Fixed "Show settings values" function in the "Bottom Bar Options" tab, where the value to the setting "Show buttons separators"
was missing.
- "Windows Version" window :
- Fixed OS detection for Windows 10 21H1, the "ReleaseID" registry value was now deprecated in favor to the bring new
"DisplayVersion" registry value.
- Fixed OS detection for Windows 10 20H2, the name of the 20H2 update (November 2020 Update) was not correct.
- "More Informations (About)" window :
- Fixed a graphic bug on the bottom part that occurs on Windows 10. Borders without the width like previous Windows versions was
the cause of this issue.
- Fixed License file who still showing "2.10 Release Candidate 2" instead of just "2.10-LTS.2". This problem occured just because I don't
updated the right file when compiling the final SMWMTL 2.10 release.
- Fixed "License" tab, where links were not clickable.

SMWMTL 2.10-LTS.1 Québec
Build string: SMWMTL_Québec_2.10.1210.00-ltsbld-02_x64_090421
Compiled on April 09, 2021 • Released on April 13, 2021
First Release. v2.10 Changelog :
- Bug fixes :
- Main Window :
- All Keyboard shortcuts are back !
- Settings :
- Settings Loading :
- When Settings Window opens, an Internet request is sended even if the "Search Updates on Startup" option is disabled.
- Global application features :
- Partially fixed bug with Screen capture in windowed mode in Windows Vista/7, Windows Aero doesnt display exactly the
same thing than Windows Basic in Visual Studio…
- This bug will be officially fixed in 2.20 Release, when .NET Framework will jump from 4.0 to 4.6 after the Windows
XP end of Support.
- Added an option to improve appearance when Windows Classic theme is selected.
- Improvements :
- Global application features :
- Improved Windows Aero Integration.
- 64-bit version finally arrived !
- x86 version of 2.1x will be the lasts versions of SMWMTL to support the x86 Architecture.
- Application starting process modified.
- It now checks if the settings file exists to avoid bad configuration when Starts.
- If Configuration file was not found, it automatically set a bunch of settings to create this file and starts
application OOBE.
- Main window :
- Main Window had a major redesign.
- Added a Seventh column to launchable programs list.
- Improved ToolTip text and translations.
- Added a lot of new keyboard shortcuts :
- CTRL+P to load Settings.
- CTRL+SHIFT+P to load Settings and bypass Update Search.
- CTRL+SHIFT+DEL to restart quickly SMWMTL.
- CTRL+1 to CTRL+6 to launch Shortcuts presents in Main Window.
- All of these shortcuts can be disabled individually in SMWMTL Settings.
- Added a "Show a text on the title bar" option.
- You can choose to display your username, Date and hour, or a personalized text.
- Changed the way how SMWMTL starts applications, who will no longer be by weird hidden CMD prompts.
- This change permits applications start speed increased by at least 50 %.
- Added a ton of new icons for « Windows Version » button :
- Windows 1.x/2.x
- Windows 3.x/9x/NT4
- Windows ME
- Microsoft Whistler
- Windows Media Center XP
- Microsoft Longhorn
- Windows Live
- Windows Media Center (Vista+)
- Windows 7 Flat
- Windows 8.x Colored
- Windows 10 (Fluent Design logo)
- ReactOS logo
- Ubuntu logo
- Debian logo
- Apple logo
- Update detection has been modified.
- New Method based on the new Update Search Engine.
- When System Tray Icon is Enabled, a Notification bubble apprars instead of the traditionnal Messagebox. This Message
box is still showed if the System tray icon is disabled.
- Added Personalized Shortcuts :
- You can define up to 6 shortcuts on the list.
- Shortcuts also have the ability to launch himself with an application such as Lunar Magic or YY-CHR.
- Settings window :
- Settings Window have been completly redesigned.
- Some settings are now in another tabs.
- Executable path is now showed in every page.
- Settings Load and Save got a restructuration due to the add of the Reload Settings Button.
- Added an option to lock main window at the foreground on your screen.
- Added a button to discard unsaved changes and reload settings to last saved values.
- Bottom bar :
- Added an option to hide the "Help" button.
- Bottom bar Icons options :
- All RadioButtons are transformed into a vulgar ComboBox. This is more clean now !
- Themes :
- Theme has finally arrived ! You can choose between 8 bring new themes !
- For each Theme, you can choose between 2 variants (Except for Classic, Dark and Windows Basic "Extension" Themes).
- Lunar Magic "1 Click to Launch" :
- Added an option when LM 1CTL is enabled to show the LM menu when hold CTRL if LM 1CTL is enabled.
- SMWMTL_Update improvements :
- SMWMTL_Update upgraded to version 2 !
- The new version of the Update Search Engine don’t freeze your program anymore.
- This new version can also download new updates and Install it !
- About SMWMTL Window :
- Completly revamped window, With importants informations only, such as Version, Build number, Architecutre and .NET
Runtime version.
- A button to access the Legacy About box (From 2.00) can be enabled on the Application Settings.
- Windows Version is no longer showed by default. You can enable it in the Application Settings.
- "Suggest tool / update" window :
- Renamed window from "Suggest App/Program" to "Suggest Tool / Updates".
- Reported problems and Suggested updates lists download process are now the same as the SMWMTL_Update method.
- No more freeze during this process.
- The Window is no longer on Top Most.
- "Windows Version" window :
- Completly re-developed from zero.
- Added some values :
- Complete version
- OS Architecture SKU
- Better Detection for Service Packs and Major Windows 10 Version.
- Added a button to launch MSINFO32.EXE.
- Report Bug / Crash :
- Added buttons with links to YouTube and Twitter.
- Recover LM GUI :
- GUI have been revised :
- Console output is hidden by default. It can be showed on the "Console Output" menu.
- Appearance is more "Professional" and clear.
- Out-Of-Box Experience :
- Window completly redesigned :
- A better design like the rest of the application.
- New OOBE music.
- Overall Application :
- Added an option to set Windows opacity,
- It can be set only on main Window, all Windows except the Settings one or on all windows.
- Settings Import / Export :
- Import / Export method has completly changed. This new method is based on a file, instead of a weird code,
- Settings Reset Procedure :
- Removed over-warning message boxes in Settings reset process.
- Added a button in the "CONFIRM" reset message box to export Settings before do a reset.
- Removed Features :
- Settings :
- "Hide from Taskbar" option has been removed due to crashs when start up not only on Windows XP...
- Other :
- SMWMTL Support :
- Announced End of support for Windows NT 5.x branch and x86 Architecture.
- General Applications Support :
- Some applications are no more included into SMWMTL. Version 2.20 will completly remove all applications from the
Executable and let you choose your OWN copy of these softwares instead of my weird copies, with my own configuration
(And also avoid potential viruses).
- Lunar Magic
- Header Magic
- Lunar Expand
- Snes9x
- Asar
- UberASM
- SPC700 Player
- Organ BRR Player
- Level Music Utility
- Floating IPS/BPS
- SmallHacker’s tools
- Added new launchable Softwares.
- GradientTool
- H-DMA Gradient Ripper
- M7Map
- Gopher Popcorn Stew
- Sprite GFX Creator