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Download SMWMTL

Installer size: 4.22 MB
ZIP package size: 2.85 MB
System Requirements:
Operating System:
.NET Framework:
Disk Space:
Screen resolution:
Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)
64-bit Capable
Version 4.6
128 MB
128 MB
1366x768 Pixels
Windows 7 (Service Pack 1)
64-bit Capable
Version 4.8
256 MB
512 MB
1600x900 Pixels

Installer size: 26.58 MB
Size: 25.35 MB
Installer size: 26.58 MB
Size: 25.35 MB
System Requirements:
Operating System:
.NET Framework:
Disk Space:
Screen resolution:
Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
Version 4.0.30319
128 MB
128 MB
1366x768 Pixels
Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)
Version 4.5
256 MB
512 MB
1600x900 Pixels

What are the differences between Stable and LTS Releases?

Stable Release
Stable Release is the main release branch for SMWMTL.
When a new update comes out, this branch will have all of the new features and more.
Example: If you have the Stable Release 2.05 and an update to 2.10 is available, this update will upgrade you to version 2.10 with all new features, programs support and much more !

LTS Release
LTS release is the same concept as ESR Releases for Firefox, a long-term release branch. This version is locked in a existing release (ex : 2.10) and when a new update is available for LTS Release, this is only for bug fixes and build-in softwares update.
Example : If you have version 2.10-LTS.2 and an update to version 2.10-LTS.3 is available, this will only update compatibility with apps and fix discovered bugs, but new features from new releases (2.20, 2.30, etc.) are not included..
WARNING : LTS release is not a locked version, every 2 major updates, the LTS version will be proceed to a major update, with the Stable release features, and futures updates will be only on bug fixes. (ex : upgrade from 2.10-LTS.16 to 2.30-LTS.1). When the new LTS release came out and synced to Stable one, the old LTS will remain supported until the next major Stable Release.
Illustration :

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